Thigh Lift

Many people develop a disproportionate amount of unwanted fat on the thighs. Unfortunately, over time, the fatty tissue and skin becomes increasingly loose, dimpled, and saggy. Kennesaw surgeons Marcus Crawford and Steven Bailey perform thigh lift surgery to redefine the upper leg area and produce a more contoured appearance in our patients. If you have excess fat and skin on the inner thighs, outer thighs, or the area above the knees, this procedure may be right for you. To find out if you are a good candidate for thigh lift surgery, contact Crawford Plastic Surgery today.

Types of Thigh Lift Surgery

Our surgeons perform three different types of thigh lift surgery; the surgical approaches vary based upon the specific area of the thigh that is targeted and the amount of skin tightening that can be achieved.

  • Inner (Medial) Thigh Lift: This technique addresses mild to moderate amounts of excess fat and skin on the inner thighs. The procedure involves the creation of several small incisions along the fold of the groin. Once the incisions have been made, our surgeons can lift the skin, remove excess fatty tissue, and tighten the remaining skin to produce a smoother contour.
  • Vertical Thighplasty: If the skin laxity and fatty tissue on your inner thighs is significant, our surgeons will perform the vertical thighplasty technique. This approach requires a larger incision that extends from the crease of the groin down toward the inner knee. A portion of excess fat and skin are removed, and then the incisions are closed. The resulting scars will fade, but will be visible if your inner thighs are exposed. However, most patients find that the overall aesthetic benefit of thigh lift surgery far outweighs any concerns that they have about post-surgical scarring.
  • Outer Thigh Lift: The outer thigh lift approach involves the creation of an incision that runs from the groin to the hip, following the natural crease of the buttocks. The placement of this incision allows our surgeons to tighten the skin on the outer thighs. The outer thigh lift may be combined with the medial thigh lift or verticial thighplasty to produce a more successful outcome.

Thigh Lift Recovery

The thigh lift procedure is performed under general anesthesia and may be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis. The surgery itself takes two to three hours to perform. After surgery, you are expected to stay in bed and rest for the remainder of the day, whether you are staying at a surgical facility or at home. You can expect to experience pain, swelling, and bruising in the thighs after surgery. These side effects should fade within two to four weeks.

Although thigh lift surgery is a safe and effective procedure, there are potential risks that can occur in a small number of patients. These include:

  • Extreme pain
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Delayed wound healing

Thigh Lift Consultations

Contact our practice to schedule your thigh lift consultation.