Reducing Bleeding after Cosmetic Surgery

April 25, 2013

Bleeding is a fairly common complication following any surgery, whether or not it is a cosmetic procedure. Any time the skin is cut open, there is a risk of bleeding due to damage to the skin, capillaries, tissue, and sometimes even internal organs. However, there are certain steps you, the patient, can take, both prior to surgery and afterwards, to reduce your risk for excessive bleeding. Dr. Marcus Crawford has a number of recommendations you can follow so that you heal properly without any undue bleeding.

What Can Increase the Risk for Bleeding?

Cigarettes and alcohol are two of the biggest culprits that will excessively thin the blood, thus increasing the risk for bleeding. Caffeine is another known blood thinner. Certain prescription medications may also work as blood thinners. These anticoagulant medications inhibit the blood from clotting. Two of the best-known of these medications are Coumadin (Warfarin) and Plavix. Certain herbal remedies and foods may also thin the blood, including garlic, ginseng, and green tea. As such, patients should avoid certain medications, herbs, and foods before and after surgery.

Before Your Surgery

The most important thing you can do before your surgery is to reduce or cut down on blood thinners. These will decrease your blood’s natural ability to clot, which can lead to excessive bleeding, as well as increase the time it takes for your incision to properly heal. It may also increase your risk for bruising, swelling, and developing hematomas. We recommend you reduce or stop consuming products with blood thinning properties for at least two to three weeks prior to your cosmetic procedure.

After Your Surgery

Once your surgery is complete, the goal is to heal as quickly as possible, with minimal bruising and swelling. We also recommend you stay away from products that this the blood for at least two to three weeks after your surgery. 

We also recommend you not place any excessive strain or pressure on the incision site. Avoid any heavy lifting or exertion for at least two to three weeks following surgery, or until your incision has fully healed and any sutures have been removed or have dissolved. You should also forgo any heavy exercising for at least the first month following your surgery. 

In terms of diet, add in Vitamin K, which is a natural blood-thickener and encourages coagulation. Both spinach and kale are natural sources of Vitamin K. The supplement Arnica montana will also help reduce bruise formation from bleeding.

Finally, elevating the affected part of the body and compression will help bleeding stop sooner, reducing the chances of bruising and swelling.

Talk to Dr. Crawford at your consultation about any prescription medications, herbal preparations, vitamins, or supplements you may be taking. This will help him work on a plan with you to reduce your risk of bleeding and improve your chances for a speedy recovery with minimal complications.

For more information on reducing bleeding after plastic surgery, contact Crawford Plastic Surgery today.


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