Ways to Reduce Pain after Plastic Surgery

November 12, 2012

If you are preparing to undergo plastic surgery, or are in the process of recovering from a surgical procedure, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to accelerate the healing process and reduce discomfort. Patients of Crawford Plastic Surgery tolerate the recovery period quite well, and most find it easier than expected; their attention to our pre-operative instructions and post-operative instructions assists in keeping our patients comfortable after their desired plastic surgery procedures.

Follow a Pain Medication Schedule

The amount of pain medication and time between pills will depend on your size and procedure. Dr. Marcus Crawford will prescribe or recommend the appropriate dosage during your pre-operative appointment. It is important to fill the prescription or pick up the recommended over-the-counter medication in the days before your surgery. Immediately following your operation, we will let you and your caretaker know when you should start taking your pain medication. We recommend that patients take the proper amount on schedule to avoid any unnecessary discomfort caused by missing pills. If it will help, you can create a schedule and set an alarm to help you remember to take your pain medication.

The R.I.C.E. Approach

All surgical patients should follow the R.I.C.E. approach to reduce pain, swelling, bruising, and scarring after surgery.

  • Rest: Rest, especially for the first day or two after surgery, is a key part of the healing process.
  • Ice: Using an ice compress near the incision site reduces the occurrence and severity of side effects.
  • Compression: Use of a compression garment or tight bandaging reduces inflammation and helps the body retain its new shape.
  • Elevation: Keeping the head elevated, even while sleeping, for a couple of days after surgery will speed healing. Try to stay in a semi-upright position during your early recovery period.

Take Brief Walks

Although rest is a crucial part of the healing process, staying immobile for too long can actually delay healing. A day or two after surgery, try taking short walks (about five minutes) a few times throughout the day. This will get your blood flowing and help you feel better sooner rather than later.

Don't Overexert Yourself

At the same time, you don't want to overexert yourself. Under no circumstances should you engage in moderate to heavy exercise or lift anything heavy. This can put unneeded strain on your incision and affected tissues.

Reduce Sodium Intake

Since sodium increases inflammation, eating salty or processed foods can actually extend your recovery time. Dr. Crawford advises patients to reduce the amount of sodium that they consume for at least two weeks after surgery.

Drink Water

Water is essential to the healing process. Though you may not feel like it, it is a great idea to make sure that you are drinking the recommended amount of water each day during your recovery.

If you would like to undergo plastic surgery with Dr. Crawford, we invite you to contact our practice. With offices in Cartersville, Hiram, and Marietta, we are conveniently located for patients throughout the Atlanta area.


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