Chin Augmentation

Although it typically doesn’t get a lot of attention, the chin significantly affects overall facial aesthetics. A receding chin can make your profile look weak, your neck look fleshy, and your nose look too prominent. The chin augmentation procedure can be performed to enlarge or reshape the chin and balance out the face. Kennesaw chin augmentation surgeons Marcus Crawford and Steven Bailey perform the procedure to enhance the natural bone structure of the lower jaw.

Chin Augmentation Candidates

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your chin, placement of a small implant can produce the contour that you desire. You may be a good candidate for surgery if:

  • You have a small, flat, or pointed chin
  • Your teeth and jaw are properly aligned
  • You do not smoke
  • You have reasonable cosmetic expectations
  • You are in good health

When you come into our office for your chin augmentation consultation, our surgeons will listen to your concerns about the size and shape of your chin and perform a visual examination. This assists him in choosing the appropriately sized implant to use on the day of surgery.

Chin Augmentation Surgery

The day of surgery, you should wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid wearing makeup, jewelry, and contact lenses. Patients will be sedated using local or general anesthesia, and then our surgeons will create a small incision that is discreetly located under the chin or through the inside of your lower lip. Through the incision, our surgeons will insert and position the implant so that it produces an ideal shape. Finally, the incision is closed with sutures.

After Chin Augmentation Surgery

For the first few days after chin augmentation surgery, our surgeons recommend that you take pain medication and apply a cold compress to the chin to reduce pain, bruising, and swelling. After the first week, our surgeons will remove the sutures that were used to close the incision; you can also start wearing makeup and return to work and other obligations at this time.

The results of chin augmentation are visible immediately. However, the best results are seen one or two months after surgery.

Chin Augmentation Consultations

If you are interested in undergoing chin augmentation surgery, contact our practice today. We will be happy to schedule your chin augmentation consultation at your earliest convenience.